Monday, August 30, 2010


Hi Guys

So the point of this blog is to track my progress through Michelle Bridges 2wbt program. But I also want to make this about other things like music, cool work outs, book reviews and all the things that happen in my crazy (often straight out of a soap opera life).

I signed up for the program 2 weeks ago and this is my first blog because I know deep down if I have this I'll atleast stick out the 12 weeks because I will feel like I have to write in this and tell you what has been happening and I wont want to report bad things. So here's to you all my (currently non existent) followers for keeping me on track.

We are currently on week 3 of the warm up tasks so I will just do a very quick review of all the things that have been happening. My plan on this blog is to post twice a week on a regular basis plus random reviews and recommendations, quotes or anything that struck my fancy and deserves to be reported on this blog!

So with no further procrastination here is the tasks I havent posted up here in an abbreviated form

Introduce Yourself

Hi my name is Michelle, but you can call me Shell if you like. I also answer to Shelley, Michelle and hey you. Not to mish or mishy...cos eww. I am 24 and I work and study full time which can lead to mass exhaustion. I have a German Shepard named cleo who is very cute and I have had since I was 15.

Last year I had lost alot of weight and was pretty happy with my life but then I got sick and had my gall bladder eventually removed. I then put on a whoel heap of weight because I couldnt eat for awhile when I was sick and such so that hasnt really worked well. So now its time to shift the stubborn weight. So this is my journey to where I want to be and hopefully some of what I say helps you (as I am sure your comments will help me)

Excuses, Excuses

Well I wrote all of mine down and most of my excuses where internal. I kind of expected that because usually what stops me from doing the right things is a combination of stress and procrastination. I procrastinate about literally everything which then gets me stressed and I make silly food choices.

So I need to be more proactive and keep on top of things. I have just written a wish list of stationary I hope will keep me on track over the next 12 weeks because when I get busy smart food choices and exercise are the first things to go off that list.

Things like getting sick and spending 3 days in hospital I couldnt control. But on days when things go wrong I can try and make the best decisions I can. If I cant exercise I can control my calorie intake. So its a balance. I mean when I go out to dinner I can have that apple pie, but I have to walk 40 minutes the next day to burn it off. Just make the smartest decisions I can and try to stay in control of my life seemed to be the main problems I encounter.

This actually made me really happy because I saw pretty quickly the excuses I use in exercise are affecting my entire life and if I try and beat them here I might get some nice new good for me habits


I want to loose 5 kgs a  month while I am on this program (so that's 15kgs). Looking forward by the end of the year I want to loose 30kgs. Which is alot I would admin and 15 would be a great start. If i loose 30 kgs I will be down to 62 which is in the lower end of my healthy weight so 15kgs will see me into the healthy/slightly over weight figures.

I want to mostly get back into all the pretty clothes that I cant currently wear that I could a year ago. That's what upsets me the most I think. That it took me so little time to gain the weight and it will take me so long to get it off again.

I also want to improve my flexibility (both physical and in life) and be able to run 5kms by the end of the year (I hate running so that will be a major achievement). In my life I have succeeded because I stick to my strengths. I just want to achieve something that doesn't come easily to me, like running, because I think that it would be very good for me to stick in out.

I think this is well and truly a long enough first post. I promise to talk less in the future.


1 comment:

  1. YAY!! well done for starting

    I love reading your blog so far :)

    I said I wouldn't make big posts but it keeps happening... I think I like talking too much...

    Well good luck I hope you reach your goal
