Tuesday, August 31, 2010

An Apple A Day

Well for once I am having a really good day! I think the process of pretty much back to back writing all my excuses and then my goals over the past two days really got my head into a good place.

So today when my day was not going well, lots of people upset and I was tired and stressed out I didnt do my usual trick of getting my collegue to get me a coke and kit kat when she went to the store. Instead I got a coke zero (hey baby steps, its better for me than the alternative and I need to work my way up to water) and ate an apple.

The simple fact is it is those decisions I make when I am tired and cranky that got me to this point. I need to change the way I react to those situations I can not control.

Thanks Mish your already making a massive impact on my life. This got carried through as I started my third study period this week. Doing uni by distance is hard because you dont get any breaks in between classes. So this semester I will be organised, do uni work after work etc so that I dont end up so far behind and so incredibly stressed as I did last week.

Lets hope it all stays this good!


  1. That's a good goal! I just find it difficult to do ANYTHING by correspondence!!

    I found that Jen and I had similar excuses - and that by writing them out i also found it easier to identify and then stop the reaction if the excuse cropped up :)

  2. I find it easier than trying to juggle a job that I enjoy (and a disposable income) with a non flexible work load. Just sometimes its too easy to be "ill do that later.. the later that never happens"

    Yeah I think we all had pretty similar excuses. Mmine are always procastination based so it pointed out pretty quickly what my biggest problem is. That and my tendancy to drift through thing preoccupied which leads to bad food choices.
